Contact Waterman Village – complete form or scroll down for phone, address and driving direction information for all living and service areas
Waterman Village main/primary campus phone number: (352) 383-0051 General email:
If you use GOOGLE MAPS and are trying to get to: The Oaks Retirement Community, Bridgewater Assisted Living, Edgewater Nursing Center, Waterman Village Home Care or the Waterman Village Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapy Clinic, it’s best to just use 111 Waterman Avenue. That will get you to the Gate House and they can give you directions from there. Using the actual business addresses for those areas below, will often take you to odd places. We know, strange indeed.
500 Waterman Avenue, Mount Dora, FL, 32757
Admissions information number: (352) 385-1126 – monitored all day – 7 days a week)
To reach the residence directly (352) 385-1125
2858 Lighthouse Shore Way, Mount Dora, FL 32757
Admissions information number: (352) 385-1126 – monitored all day – 7 days a week)
To reach the residence directly (352) 383-0051, ext. 511
300 Brookfield Avenue, Mount Dora, FL, 3275
Nursing home admissions information number: (352) 409-3618 – monitored all day – 7 days a week
To reach the residence directly: (352) 385-1124
130 Waterman Avenue Suite A. Mount Dora, FL, 32757
(352) 385-1138
(we serve Mount Dora, Eustis, Tavares, and NE Lake County areas)