Over 65 and Not a Stereotype: I Know What I Want. I Want to Stay Active
March 15, 2023

If you know what you want and you want to stay active, you are not alone. Results from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) demonstrated that people over 65, contrary to stereotypes, by an “overwhelming proportion chose physical activity as their favorite activity.” If this sounds like you, it is also the same way most of the residents at Waterman Village feel. We get it!
This is why it is no surprise that our most popular activities focus on strength, balance, and coordination. These are the key areas that help our residents stay active. Some choose fitness classes with a trainer, others practice yoga or Tai chi, and others walk their dog. It is their choice, and they overwhelmingly embrace it!
When you meet with us to talk about your next home, we can talk about how we can help you continue or increase activities that can make a difference in how you feel about facing each day. We know being active means something different to each of our residents. What it means to you will be unique to your situation and goals.
At Waterman Village, we have classes for beginners and experienced folks. We have two gyms with state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff if you like working with a trainer and equipment, so you always know what comes next and how to understand your results. As a resident, if you have completed physical therapy with our rehab team, we employ a ‘graduate to wellness’ approach by coordinating and collaborating with our physical therapy team. The entire team works in partnership with you to define an integrated wellness program to build on what you accomplished in rehab.
Our calendar includes the following, with most programs offered multiple times and days during the week so that everyone’s schedule can include some wellness!
- Fitness Classes
- Ageless Grace
- Exercisin’ with Therapy
- Seated Yoga
- Water Fitness
- Combo Yoga
- Sit and B Fit
- Learn to Meditate
- Tai Chi
- Meditation Practice Groups
Waterman Village calendars provide a multi-dimensional approach to wellness that is balanced with plenty of group classes as well as one-to-one opportunities that focus on your unique goals. Ask us about our brain fitness programs that address emotional and intellectual health. Our Brain Wellness Academy for Seniors conducts brain fitness classes that are both stimulating and fun. Classes last eight weeks and are limited to 10 people.
Maybe you want to try meditation. We have introductory classes and sessions for ongoing practice. Our yoga classes are taught by a local teacher with more than a decade of experience. Tai chi classes are conducted by one of our residents who has practiced Tai chi for more than 35 years. Our Ageless Grace sessions feature seated fitness with simple movements which focus on coordination—as well as on brain challenges. At Waterman Village, our classes are adapted to the individual skills and abilities of participants.
Spiritual wellness is supported by our Spiritual Wellness Director and Associate Chaplains. At Waterman Village, we are committed to a deep and engaging spiritual wellness program. Sunday non-denominational services, regular bible study sessions, and even virtual church are just a few of the ways our team and our residents stay active and involved in their spiritual paths.
All the programs at Waterman Village are offered as part of a consistent and ongoing calendar. A variety of activities are available daily, others weekly, and some may be offered monthly. For example, a demonstration or a special workshop with a guest presenter is offered each month.
What It’s Like at Waterman Village
Odds are good you may be a lot like the residents at Waterman Village. Like people everywhere, they prefer activities and programs which keep them as healthy, well, and active as possible.
As noted earlier, our most popular programs are those that help participants stay strong and steady. Our residents expect us to use proven programs and, at the same time, remain current with the latest information and methods. At Waterman Village, residents look forward to Pop-up Classes where a new topic or approach is introduced, and resident feedback is gathered. This is one of the ways we keep our programs current and informed by what is important to the people that live at Waterman Village.
Science, the ICAA, and Fun
All activities are based on science and research—and most participants agree, it can be a lot of fun staying active! Our programs are informed by our collaboration with the International Conference on Active Aging (ICAA); this means we are committed to wellness programs that keep us active and are purposeful, robust, and support the goals of everyone who participates.
The Common Thread
What among these opportunities is the common thread? All address what matters to most of our residents: our most popular programs all focus on strength, balance, and coordination because that is what helps us all be more active. How that looks to each resident is different based on what being active means to each of them.
Once you have asked yourself what being active means to you, the next step is easy. Let’s start a conversation and imagine what a healthy and active future looks like for you! For more information or to schedule a tour, contact us at 352-385-1120 today.